Get In Touch With Your Feelings...
and Express Them to Your Partner
Discover the proven process on how to have a deep, safe, loving partnership where you lift each other up....
For a lot of people...
For a lot of people, knowing how to look within, notice your feelings and express them when you are alone is one thing.

But it's a whole other thing to do that when in the presence of someone else you care about.

Especially when you have Childhood Emotional Neglect or CEN.

Relationships can get complicated with hurt feelings, unsaid truths and a sense of losing yourself to please the other.

And because of that, it can be difficult to find the right kind of help to work through complicated situations.

For a lot of us, knowing exactly how to turn things around in a relationship is a major game changer.

That's why I created...
Healing Emotional Neglect with Your Partner
So, I'm doing the next best thing and GIVING you the exact process that I've used successfully with thousands of therapy clients to heal emotional neglect within their relationships.

Including instructional videos, checklists, worksheets and exercises.

You're getting my ENTIRE process.

You can literally go through the program step-by-step to build emotional intimacy with your partner and communicate on a feeling level in a way that doesn't make your partner feel blamed or make you feel selfish or demanding.

With this approach you can stop the cycle of resentment that builds, putting further distance between you, making you feel all alone in your relationship.

This is your chance to look over my shoulder as I give you the EXACT same 5-step process I've used for my private therapy clients.

Ultimately, you may feel like I'm a fly on the wall observing your life and putting it into words for you.

You will also feel hope and the encouragement you need to learn the emotional skills needed for a healthy relationship.
I've constructed an easy way to discover how to recognize the signs of Childhood Emotional Neglect in a relationship and overcome them by fully expressing yourself and developing the healthy, meaningful emotional connection you both want.

I call it my Healing Emotional Neglect with Your Partner program.

This complete step-by-step program will help you fast-track your ability to get in touch with your feelings when you are with your partner and ask for "what you want" and express your feelings without fear.


Well, I wanted to make this as close to working with me one-on-one as my therapy client as possible (without actually doing it) ...
What you'll get
Module 1: The Role of CEN in Your Relationship
We start here because it's important for you to know exactly how your Childhood Emotional Neglect is affecting your relationship.

I always receive a lot of questions about how not being emotionally validated in childhood can lead to emptiness, disconnection and lack of fulfillment in relationships.

I understand how hard it is to realize and accept the connection between such a seemingly innocuous childhood experience, and such a powerful, damaging affect in an adult relationship.

In this module, I'll show you how to recognize the signs of Childhood Emotional Neglect in a relationship including how to see CEN in yourself and in your partner.

This will help to shine a light on the problems that CEN is causing in your partnership so that you can see them.
"It described our relationship problems in our marriage of 14 years to an exact point that it was so helpful and just so accurate and right on. I was like – 'Have you been listening in on our fights and conversation lately?' I really like what you said in all of it. One point kind of stood out of that you learn something new about someone when you fight. There was a lot of awareness and pretty much describes our relationship woes so much. So exactly! So right on! I am like yes, yes, yes, yes and yes to all of the things CEN couples struggle with."
Module 2: Ways to Reach Your CEN Partner
It's not uncommon for one partner in a relationship to be more motivated to improve, heal, or save the relationship than the other.

But the truth is that it always takes two. In this module, I'll explain how this situation affects each partner and the various ways you can reach out to your partner.

It's vital to be able to call your partner on their mistakes and tell them what you need.

But it must be done with love and care or you will only make your partner feel defensive. I'll explain how to communicate in a loving and compassionate way.

And when any couple is struggling, it is natural for feelings of blame to enter the picture.

But blame can get in the way of moving forward in the relationship. So, in this module, we will explore the role of blame and how empathy can act as a balm and help you move forward.

And most importantly, I'll share how to reach your CEN partner even if they are sensitive to criticism and either shut down, or blow up whenever you try to share your feelings.
"There was a lot of never giving feedback in my family which absolutely felt like no one cared about anything, empty. I need to reframe how I think of criticism and feedback because I can be very sensitive to it. Criticism (done right) is a chance to get closer, they care about me."
Module 3: How Are Emotions Handled In Your Relationship?
Emotions provide the glue that binds two people together and the spark that keep the embers of passion going.

In this module, I explain the role of feelings in your relationship and...

How to get in touch with your feelings when you are with your partner and ask for what you want and express your feelings without fear.

For many of us it can feel like there is a wall that you can't get through - you know your feelings are there, but you don't have full access to them.

We will talk about how to let yourself feel and share your feelings while you are with your partner.
"Hearing the distinction between feelings not being right or wrong—simply MATTERING because feelings are natural, physical and human. Huge paradigm shift for me... That your emotions do not have to be right in order to matter. They MATTER, and if they are 'wrong' they can be corrected or worked thru. In fact, you cannot even determine if they are right or wrong until you actually face them after admitting that they do matter."
Module 4: Communicate on a Feeling Level
Childhood Emotional Neglect teaches you not to talk about feelings.

Over years of a non-emotionally-communicative partnership, it can end up feeling awkward, or even wrong, to use feeling words. CEN couples have a hard time knowing what to say and how to say it in a way that will feel comforting and supportive.

In this module, I'll talk about how to build emotional intimacy with your partner and communicate on a feeling level in a way that doesn't make your partner feel blamed or make you feel selfish or demanding.

With this approach you can stop the cycle of resentment that builds, putting further distance between you, making you feel all alone in your relationship.
"Having grown up with CEN, I did not learn how to communicate on a feeling level with parents, siblings, friends and loved ones. The module about how to communicate on a feeling level was extremely helpful in helping me to understand how to communicate and share my feelings with others and how to do this without criticism or judgement."
Module 5: 5 Exercises to Do Together (Or on Your Own)
To help each other let your walls down, it means we have to create an environment, a relationship in which walls are not needed.

This means building emotional safety and trust. We want to create a relationship in which you know you can talk with your partner about virtually anything.

You trust each other to respond with honesty, care and compassion, to anything you have to say or anything you need to ask for.

In this module we will walk through several different ways to work on your CEN together with your partner...

Even if your partner takes healing from CEN far less seriously than you do and thinks everything is OK.
"I love the I Feel/I want/I need exercise. Growing up with CEN I was never taught how to use these words in my childhood. I also loved the Structured Communication Exercise. Communication is so important in a relationship and now I have a much better idea of how to structure communication with my partner."
Your Life After the Program
Once you've worked through the five modules of the program, you'll have a good start on making some significant changes not just in your partnership, but in yourself. If you do the work going forward with dedication and persistence, your life will change.
  • You will have the skills to have a healthy relationship and experience the joy of true love and connection... to feel like a full partner in the relationship... to feel fully known, heard, trusted and accepted by your partner while being fully yourself... even if you are not perfect.
  • Instead of feeling unhappy with the lack of emotional connection... you will be able to fully express yourself and develop the healthy, meaningful emotional connection you both want.
  • You will get in touch with your feelings when you are with your partner and ask for "what you want" and express your feelings without fear.
  • You will get past the fear and hurt holding you back to have a deep, safe, loving partnership where you lift each other up.
So you might be wondering: How does this all work? How are you going to help me...
  • Understand the Role of CEN in My Relationship
  • Reach My CEN Partner
  • Understand How Emotions are Handled in My Relationship
  • Communicate on a Feeling Level
  • Deepen the Intimacy of My Relationship
So that I can transform my relationship... even if my partner doesn't want to do the work with me.
Here's my answer...
As you can see, this training goes deep, spending a week with each step so that you can fully understand how to set yourself up for success and start to notice differences in yourself and your relationship as you go along.

Here are the specifics on how we are going to do this:

You'll be sent an invitation to join our exclusive online forum, here's where we will post the weekly videos and detailed worksheets to help you turn the information you are learning into action.

Every week for 5 weeks you will be given the materials for the 5 modules.

I'll provide you with the worksheets, checklists and videos to start making real changes.

I'll walk you through exercises that will help you learn the emotional skills needed for a healthy relationship.

And you will have the opportunity to go through the material at your own pace on your own time to accommodate your busy schedule.
Now right about now, you might be thinking: "5 weeks is not enough time. I'm not going to learn the emotional skills needed for a healthy relationship in just 5 weeks."

And you are right. It doesn't happen overnight. You will have to change the way you relate to yourself and to your partner. It is a lifelong process.

If you want to work through your CEN in your relationship once and for all, you've got to stay engaged. So, I just want to promise you that when the program ends, it doesn't actually end. You will continue to have access to all the modules so you can go back to them time after time.

So, as you continue to grow and change and encounter new situations, you will continue to have the support you need to recover from CEN.
"Each module seems to speak directly to both of us, and it has brought us some calm discussions that do not rise to high level emotional outbursts. This has been some of the few times where we have had these discussions in our 25 years together."
Supporting You After the Course
I also want to give you further support as you heal your emotional neglect with your partner. My goal is to give you everything you need to have a deep, safe, loving partnership where you lift each other up.

So that's why I've included this special bonus.
Secrets of a Healthy Relationship
This program is the perfect companion to my Healing Emotional Neglect with your Partner program because it walks you through exactly what a healthy relationship really looks like, feels like and even sounds like.

In fact, Childhood Emotional Neglect can make certain elements of a healthy relationship feel wrong and that can lead you to unknowingly sabotage a healthy relationship.

We will cover exactly what these inevitable roadblocks are that CEN throws in your path to achieving an amazing relationship – and how to get past them just by recognizing them.

If you currently don't have a partner and you don't trust yourself to find a healthy relationship because you have made some unhealthy choices in the past, this bonus training will give you a whole new set of tools so that you can begin to trust yourself to recognize true love and fully receive it from an emotionally healthy and supportive partner.

And whether you have a partner or not, this bonus will help you understand what love really is and how to recognize it, feel it, and encourage it to grow in a relationship.
In this training, you will discover...
  • What a healthy relationship looks like and why Childhood Emotional Neglect makes certain elements of a healthy relationship feel wrong.
  • How to trust yourself to recognize true love and fully receive it from an emotionally healthy and supportive partner... even if you currently don't have a partner and you don't trust yourself to find a healthy relationship because you have made some unhealthy choices in the past.
  • What love really is and how to recognize it, feel it, and encourage it to grow in a relationship – whether or not you have a current partner.
I'm going to give you a step-by-step breakdown of all the roadblocks that Childhood Emotional Neglect throws in your path that can prevent you from allowing yourself to be emotionally vulnerable and connected in a relationship...

Along with how to avoid those roadblocks and recognize true love when you see it and encourage it to grow.

This training is valued at $997...

But right now, you can get it FREE with my Healing Emotional Neglect with Your Partner training.

"ALL of it was so helpful...especially the description of what love feels like since I was told I was loved frequently and yet I never felt loved. And after several failed relationships just assumed I must not know how to love right."
So now, you're probably wondering, "what's this going to cost me?"
I have taken over 25 years of clinical practice and experience and put this program together. It's based on what has worked for my private couple's clients in the past. I have taken all of that knowledge and I have created an online CEN Partner recovery program specifically for the public that can be done on your own, with your partner, or with the help of a therapist.

In the best of all worlds, I would have each and every one of you come to my office so that I could go on this journey with you in person. But, of course that's not a realistic possibility. I've also considered offering Skype consultations, and I've received many requests for it from people who live far away and can't get to my office in Boston. But unfortunately, I don't feel comfortable doing that because of recommendations and professional guidelines of the Massachusetts Board of Psychology.

Thousands of folks have contacted me for advice about how they can work directly on CEN with their partner and a couple's therapist. Unfortunately, well-trained couple's therapists are in short supply. It can be very difficult to find an effective couple's therapist, much less one trained in CEN. And when you do, they are often completely booked up.

All of these things together made me realize that I need to make CEN Partner recovery more accessible to people who don't live in New England, or who want to keep their current therapist.

I developed this program so that I can offer everything I've learned to all of the people who can benefit from it. I want to make this help available to all of the CEN couples out there who are quietly unsatisfied with their relationship, and wondering what's wrong with it.

No, it's not the same as couple's therapy or even one-on-one therapy. Nothing really compares to that. But I've put so much into this program that I feel it offers a high-quality alternative when in-person therapy isn't an option, or as a CEN Partner adjunct to your current therapy.
I also wanted to make this program affordable. For couple's therapy for CEN, my patients typically see me an average of 20-30 times at a rate of $300 per session. Well, that quickly adds up to $6,000 - $9000.

Of course, couple's therapy is an investment of time and money which I believe is very worth it. The folks that I help with CEN typically walk away with many tools to change their lives, and with a different feeling about their relationship and themselves.

However, I know that most people would not be able to afford the $9,000 that it takes to work with me one-on-one. I've put together a program that is giving you the same exact strategies and techniques to heal that I do with my private couple's clients.

So no, this is not personal, couple's therapy in my office, but the good news is that it also costs far less, and you can have everything I've learned about CEN Partner recovery in the comfort and convenience of your own home, to work through at your own pace.

So I have made this program available for $1,497.

And to make it even more accessible, you can access the program for just 6 payments of $279 each.

For that investment, you will receive the full benefit of everything I've learned, and the structure to work on your CEN recovery with (or without) your partner at your own pace, without having to travel to Massachusetts.
Here's the great news... Registering for Healing Emotional Neglect with Your Partner is Risk Free:
You're also protected by my
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I also want you to know that I am fully committed to helping you recover from CEN. So much so that I am offering a 30-day money back guarantee. If you invest in the program today and do the work and you aren't seeing the results you want, just email me and I will give you your money back. I believe that deeply that this program will help you connect with yourself and your partner.
Ready to Reserve Your Spot?
  • Healing Emotional Neglect with Your Partner ($1,497 Value)
  • Secrets of a Healthy Relationship ($997 Value)
Total Value: $2,494
For Just $1,497
Get Started for Just $279
Plus 5 Easy Installments of $279
Enroll Now!Healing Emotional Neglect with Your Partner
- OR -

Pay in Full for $1,497
(Save an Additional $177)
Enroll Now!Healing Emotional Neglect with Your Partner
(Payments will be processed in 30 Day Increments.)
Rest easy - your order will be processed on secure servers.
Still have some questions before you reserve your spot?
1) How is the program different from your book "Running on Empty No More"?
In my book, Running on Empty No More: Transform Your Relationships, I used the stories of two different CEN families to describe how Childhood Emotional Neglect can undermine emotional closeness in your marriage, keep you distant from your parents, and be automatically passed down to your children. The book also offers specific strategies for overcoming those effects.

But relationships are complex, and, for most, CEN runs deep. In the Healing Emotional Neglect with Your Partner Program you will receive much more depth of understanding, support, and specific guidance on understanding how CEN is affecting yourself and your partner.

This program is also chock-full of exercises that go straight to the heart of the problem and heal it.

As one participant said: "The book is a great introduction, but the program is the game-changer."
2) I'm not in a relationship right now, how can this help me?
Now I know what I'm about to say may come across as completely counterintuitive...

But here's the thing, in some ways, this program is just as important, and I would consider it to be even more important for people who are not in a relationship.

Maybe you have had past relationships that didn't turn out so well and you want to be able to trust yourself to find and engage in a healthy relationship in the future – this program will help you understand what a healthy relationship looks like so you can avoid all your past mistakes and know what to look for in an emotionally healthy partner.

You will learn a great deal about how relationships work, how healthy love feels, and what can go wrong in relationships. This program will explain the more important skills you need to share your emotions with another person and build emotional intimacy with them.
3) I'm in a relationship right now, but I don't think my partner would be interested in participating with me on this program, so how can this help me?
If your partner is not interested in doing this work, this program will help you do the work on your own. You will learn so much about how to feel heard and valued, what you deserve and how to claim it for yourself, with or without your partner.

The last thing I want is for you to miss out on the most transformative training that I've created for people looking to create a healthy partnership so they can feel known, heard, trusted and accepted by their partner while fully being themselves.

Relationships are complicated and because of that, it can be difficult to find the right kind of help to work through complicated situations. This program provides the structure and key principles to unpack your experience of the relationship and gives you the tools to change the course of it.
4) How is this program different from your "Fuel Up For Life" Program?
My Fuel Up For Life Program is specifically designed to provide individual members with self-understanding, support, and guidance to heal their CEN. It walks members through the 5 Stages of CEN recovery, from reconnecting with your feelings to learning the emotion skills so that you can use them to energize, connect, and guide you in your life.

In contrast, my Healing Emotional Neglect with Your Partner Program focuses less on individual healing and more on healing CEN in your marriage or relationship. In this program, you will learn the specific ways that CEN is affecting your unique relationship. You will also be able to learn and practice the relationship skills that build and maintain emotional intimacy, like dealing with conflicts in an emotionally connected way, expressing your feelings with your partner, and communicating in a way that keeps you growing together.
5) I'm already seeing a therapist. Should I try to work with my therapist on this or use your program?
This is a great question. And my answer is this: talk to your therapist about it. Is he or she willing to learn the full concept of CEN and how to help you through learning the emotion skills necessary to create a more intimate relationship with your partner? If so, then I suggest you take that option.

Many therapists will be very interested and able to help you. But not all therapists will be motivated to follow this specific process, especially if it doesn't fit with their style or theoretical approach to treatment. If this is the case for you, then you can use this program as a supplement to your therapy.
6) I'm a busy person. I don't have much time. What if I start this program, and then don't have the time or energy to put into it?
Not having the time and energy is the hallmark of the CEN person. You have it for others. Just not for yourself. But at some point you will have to make a decision: Do you want to feel more fulfilled, grounded and connected with your partner? If you're not ready yet to want that, then in truth, you're not ready for this program.

But if you want to feel those things, if you want to change your life and your relationship for the better, then you will finally make yourself the priority that you deserve to be. You will find the time and the energy, and I'll help you.

And if you get side-tracked by life while you are taking the program, no worries...

You will have access to the program for as long as I am running it. And I plan on running it for a long time.

It all boils down to this one core belief that we must all accept: You Are Worth It.
About Dr. Webb
Dr. Webb has been a licensed psychologist since 1991, and has worked in a variety of different settings over the course of her career, including a psychiatric emergency service and substance abuse programs. She has been the Director of several large outpatient clinics. For the past fifteen years, she has been enjoying her private practice in Lexington, Massachusetts, specializing in the treatment of couples and families.

Over two decades of practicing psychology, Dr. Webb gradually started to see a factor from childhood which weighs upon people as adults. This factor is extremely subtle. In fact, it's so difficult to see that it goes virtually unnoticed while it quietly saps a person's joy in life, causing him or her to struggle with self-discipline, or to feel disconnected and unfulfilled. Dr. Webb gave a name to this invisible factor from childhood. She calls it Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN).™

"As I became aware of the power and pervasiveness of Emotional Neglect, I felt compelled to draw awareness to it. My goal is to bring this unseen force from childhood out of the darkness and into the light. To make people aware of it and it's effects upon them. To give them the words to talk about it and the tools to fix it."
©2025 Dr. Jonice Webb. All rights reserved.